Title REFLECT
    Year 2014
    Location Rome (Italy)
    Audio AHARON (Aron Carlocchia)
    Video Salvatore Insana
    Duration 08’00”
    Genre video art

    “Paura e desiderio di scoprire in cosa possiamo rifletterci, dove possiamo perderci e (ri)trovarci. Temere di scoprire d’essere come punti nello spazio, piccoli uomini in eterno cammino, galleggianti, viandanti, sorpresi e sorprendenti. Paura e desiderio di tornare da dove si era venuti, fluidi, perturbati, a corto di identità. Fear and desire to find out what we think by ourselves/ where we can get lost and (re)found ourselves. Fear of being discovered as little points in space, little men in the eternal journey, floating, wandering, surprised and surprising. Fear and desire to get back to where we came from, fluids, disturbed, short of identity.”

    Production: SLIM LABEL
    Audio specs stereo
    Video specs HD
    Realized within an independent artistic activity
    Screened at Audio_visioni, Tempo Reale, Firenze 2015; Heure Exquise MusicVideoArt, Lille 2014;
    Web references dehorsaudela.com